I’m back to say I’m going to make a video on the game it’s something I been trying to do but the video limit keeps going over 1 GB so if you ever have a chance make a way to turn down graphics I’m just to scared to play it because the monsters don’t spawn in in time and most of them are way to fast this game takes my memories back to 2013 playing Slendytubbies on mobile because I didn’t have a pc at the time then when I got a pc it was too late the game was closed down never came up ever since my older brother won’t let me install a apk of the game my mobile declines them all but then on Christmas 2023 I got a meta quest 2 my life changed in 2024 when I got CXfile explorer and I never forgot about it I got a bunch of games this was first just thank you Somerandommonke for making a basically full version in vr also I got ideas
Easy mode
Mid mode
Practice mode
Radar A about page in game
Marks for maps like secret center *easy*mid*hard
I can’t rush you about multiplayer
Ai players
Fan art
If there’s not a discord server make a discord
Jump button for no reason I guess
A turn fog on off button
A help button
Finding custards will be a in game currency
A shop
Items that can be added
Radar 100 custards perm
Monster radar 100 custards perm
Life’s 50 custards
Chest that can hold cosmetics 10 custards
Stun gun 3 uses 25 custards
Flare gun 1 uses 10 custards
Shotgun needs ammo 500 custards permanent
Shotgun ammo 50 custards for 2 shots
cosmetics that can be added
Small cow hat COMMON
tall hat black common
Tall hat white common
Sun glasses uncommon
glasses common
Face mask black common
Face mask white common
Wolf face mask rare
Skeleton face mask rare
Scarf black common
Scarf white common
White shirt common
Black shirt common
Rambow shirt rare
Skeleton shirt rare
Suit black epic
Suit white epic
Ripped white shirt rare
Ripped black shirt rare
Body armor epic doesn’t affect HP
Soilders body armor epic
Spiders on left shoulder legendary
Spiders on right shoulder legendary
Suit Rambow super rare
Neon suit super rare
Glowing eyes godly
Invisible face ultimate
Black shoes common
White shoes common
Spike black shoes rare
Spike white shoes rare
Common chest chances common 50% rare 30% super rare 20%
But the monsters camp custard like dipsy did can’t they have AI that does not freeze try to fix that and multiplayer you should add the first part of it then improve it as we go on thats good because if people don’t want to do multiplayer they will do single player my friends that- this game is the first game I’m scared of. But if you get this or see this add a sprint button pls. Or make the monsters the same speed as us or something to make us faster or the monsters slower if you do you can save this version and make a hard mode sometime with the faster monsters. But thank you for making this amazing game for vr it brings back the memories in 2013 I would play st but it shut down and you came with a great way to bring it back. Thank you I’m getting on the game right now.
So I played the game but Is there a sprint button because bro I joined then I went to tubbyland day 4 minutes later I seethe tinky tank I’m not mad about it not moving till it sees me but like I get close then it goes max speed if there is a sprint button pls tell me what button on quest 2
Magic will get the multiplayer done at some point!!! Hopefully.... He's to unpredictable to tell but he really cares for these games, so their is hope!!!!!! But only time will tell, or him flat out streaming the process to me. One way or another it will *Hopefully get done
I remember playing slendytubbies with my friends back in 2012, I played Everygame and met S3 content creators in a versus server. This game is all i could ever had wanted as a child. Ty dude
for anyone wondering when the next update and multiplayer will come for this and ST1 im working on remaking st1 vr and making it so much easier to add stuff to, the original project had a bunch of random files in it then after that st2 will get multiplayer, the remake for 1 will have multiplayer when i release it, hopefully soon!
← Return to Slendytubbies
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sorry for a long comment 👇
I’m back to say I’m going to make a video on the game it’s something I been trying to do but the video limit keeps going over 1 GB so if you ever have a chance make a way to turn down graphics I’m just to scared to play it because the monsters don’t spawn in in time and most of them are way to fast this game takes my memories back to 2013 playing Slendytubbies on mobile because I didn’t have a pc at the time then when I got a pc it was too late the game was closed down never came up ever since my older brother won’t let me install a apk of the game my mobile declines them all but then on Christmas 2023 I got a meta quest 2 my life changed in 2024 when I got CXfile explorer and I never forgot about it I got a bunch of games this was first just thank you Somerandommonke for making a basically full version in vr also I got ideas
Easy mode
Mid mode
Practice mode
Radar A about page in game
Marks for maps like secret center *easy*mid*hard
I can’t rush you about multiplayer
Ai players
Fan art
If there’s not a discord server make a discord
Jump button for no reason I guess
A turn fog on off button
A help button
Finding custards will be a in game currency
A shop
Items that can be added
Radar 100 custards perm
Monster radar 100 custards perm
Life’s 50 custards
Chest that can hold cosmetics 10 custards
Stun gun 3 uses 25 custards
Flare gun 1 uses 10 custards
Shotgun needs ammo 500 custards permanent
Shotgun ammo 50 custards for 2 shots
cosmetics that can be added
Small cow hat COMMON
tall hat black common
Tall hat white common
Sun glasses uncommon
glasses common
Face mask black common
Face mask white common
Wolf face mask rare
Skeleton face mask rare
Scarf black common
Scarf white common
White shirt common
Black shirt common
Rambow shirt rare
Skeleton shirt rare
Suit black epic
Suit white epic
Ripped white shirt rare
Ripped black shirt rare
Body armor epic doesn’t affect HP
Soilders body armor epic
Spiders on left shoulder legendary
Spiders on right shoulder legendary
Suit Rambow super rare
Neon suit super rare
Glowing eyes godly
Invisible face ultimate
Black shoes common
White shoes common
Spike black shoes rare
Spike white shoes rare
Common chest chances common 50% rare 30% super rare 20%
Rare chest rare 50% super rare 20% legendary 10% ultra 5% godly 4% ultimate 1%
legendary chest super rare 50% legendary 20% godly 10% ultra 15% ultimate 5%
Super chest legendary 20% godly 20% ultra 15% ultimate 0.1%
Common 1 custard
Rare 5 custards
Super rare 10 custards
Legendary 20 custards
Ultra 30 custards
Godly 50 custards
Ultimate 100 custards
I hope you see this somerandommonke :)
Being able to play most of the trilogy of one of my favorite horror games when I was a kid IN VIRTUAL REALITY is a dream come true!
Thank you so much for your amazing work SomeRandomMonke and pls keep up the amazing work!
I love this franchise sm bro<333333
i'm gonna start putting videos of the new version of this on my yt! im just finishing a different game
if you can after this you should make a st3 it will bring back everything I had but in vr. Thank you
But the monsters camp custard like dipsy did can’t they have AI that does not freeze try to fix that and multiplayer you should add the first part of it then improve it as we go on thats good because if people don’t want to do multiplayer they will do single player my friends that- this game is the first game I’m scared of. But if you get this or see this add a sprint button pls. Or make the monsters the same speed as us or something to make us faster or the monsters slower if you do you can save this version and make a hard mode sometime with the faster monsters. But thank you for making this amazing game for vr it brings back the memories in 2013 I would play st but it shut down and you came with a great way to bring it back. Thank you I’m getting on the game right now.
So I played the game but Is there a sprint button because bro I joined then I went to tubbyland day 4 minutes later I seethe tinky tank I’m not mad about it not moving till it sees me but like I get close then it goes max speed if there is a sprint button pls tell me what button on quest 2
Magic will get the multiplayer done at some point!!! Hopefully.... He's to unpredictable to tell but he really cares for these games, so their is hope!!!!!! But only time will tell, or him flat out streaming the process to me. One way or another it will *Hopefully get done
I remember playing slendytubbies with my friends back in 2012, I played Everygame and met S3 content creators in a versus server. This game is all i could ever had wanted as a child. Ty dude
Hope the game gets popular try your best on the multiplayer man!!! W game!
i'm working on something!
Oh yeah another this u should add is maybe a owner/mod menu
for anyone wondering when the next update and multiplayer will come for this and ST1 im working on remaking st1 vr and making it so much easier to add stuff to, the original project had a bunch of random files in it then after that st2 will get multiplayer, the remake for 1 will have multiplayer when i release it, hopefully soon!
pls do multiplayer, i wanna play this with my friend
I'm working on finishing all the maps then ill add multiplayer but probably soon!
alr ty
very sigma